Does My Child Need a Root Canal in a Baby Tooth?

Thinking only adults need to undergo a root canal in order to save their teeth? This common misperception is simply not true. Many times children need to have a root canal performed in order to save one of their baby teeth. Even though this first set of teeth will eventually be lost and replaced with a set of permanent teeth, it is still necessary to provide baby teeth with the dental care they need to be healthy.

About a baby root canal

Finding out more information about what a root canal entails is a great idea. When it comes to your child’s baby teeth, the more informed you are as a parent the better able you will be to make decisions that support your child’s oral health.

Often times when they hear their child needs a root canal, a parent's initial reaction is that they do not need it because the tooth will eventually and naturally fall out on its own. What parents need to understand is how important it is for a child’s baby teeth to be healthy, which supports the healthiness of their permanent teeth.

About baby teeth

According to the American Dental Association, baby teeth are very important to a child’s health and development, as they help them to chew, speak and smile. Baby teeth play a very important role as they hold the space for the permanent teeth to grow in. When there are problems associated with a child’s baby teeth, it is likely that they will also experience problems with their permanent teeth.

Signs a child may need a root canal

The main sign a child may be in need of a root canal is ongoing tooth pain. Additional signs include their experiencing sensitivity when consuming hot or cold foods and drinks, a tooth that has a chip in it and a tooth that is cracked.

How baby root canals are performed

Baby root canals differ a little bit from adult root canals. The main difference is that an adult root canal requires a dental professional to remove the infected pulp from the chamber of the tooth as well as the roots of the tooth. When a baby root canal is performed, only the infected pulp from the chamber of the tooth is removed. No special dental instruments are used and the entire root canal process is quicker and less painful. After the root canal has been performed, a crown will be placed on the child’s tooth in order to protect it.

Need to schedule a root canal for your child?

If you already know your child needs a root canal, then scheduling one as soon as possible is necessary. If you are not sure whether or not at your child is in need of a root canal to support their good oral health, then making an appointment with a dental professional for more detailed information is your next step. It really is essential for your child to receive all of the necessary dental care so they can have good oral health for the rest of their life.

Request an appointment here: or call Grand Parkway Pediatric Dental at (832) 579-0960 for an appointment in our Richmond office.

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