Helpful Tips From a Kid Friendly Dentist in Richmond About Teething

kid-friendly dentist Richmond, TX

Most parents are familiar with the challenges associated with teething, but a kid-friendly dentist in Richmond can provide great tips to make the process bearable. Baby teeth eruption is a crucial stage in the child’s growth process. Parents need to know how to care for their child’s teeth from the early stages to ensure good oral health and proper oral development. With the help of a pediatric dentist, parents can be well informed and prepared. 

Helpful tips for teething

Oral care for children begins as soon as the first tooth erupts. It is important to start caring for the child’s oral cavity as soon as possible, particularly because cavities do not exempt baby teeth. Most children start teething when they are six months old. However, the process actually starts way before that and can cause agitation in the child. For parents who want to learn about caring for a teething baby, here are tips from a kid-friendly dentist.

Soothe sore gums

The teeth will come through the gums, and the process may cause pain or discomfort. The baby will need something to ease irritation. Kid-friendly dentists recommend providing a cool cloth or teething toy for the child to chew. This helps reduce the pain, particularly if the toy is cool. The parent can also rub the child’s gum with a clean finger or soft cloth to provide a gentle massage and relieve the discomfort.

Avoid sugary drinks

Tooth decay is a major dental problem caused by sugary drinks like juice. To prevent tooth cavities, a kid-friendly dentist suggests giving water to children when they are thirsty. This will stop the sugar in some drinks from harming the teeth. This applies especially to parents who give their children bottles to alleviate the symptoms of teething.

Cool food is better

During teething, cool foods can relieve the child. If the child is already taking solid foods, parents can try adding refrigerated applesauce or yogurt. The cool temperature makes the gums feel better as the teeth erupt. However, parents must avoid frozen foods because the cold temperature can be harmful to the child’s sensitive gums.

Clean their teeth twice daily

After the teeth come in, kid-friendly dentists also recommend that parents start an oral hygiene routine immediately. At first, water can be used to clean the child's mouth. When parents start using toothpaste, they should use no more than a pea-sized amount of paste until the child is above three years. The kid-friendly dentist recommends brushing the child’s teeth in the morning and at night with a soft-bristled toothbrush to prevent tooth decay and gum disease.

Visit a kid-friendly dentist

Dental visits should start early in life. It is advised for parents to take their child to visit a pediatric dentist as soon as the first tooth erupts, but no later than the child’s first birthday. The first dental appointment is crucial to allow the dentist to provide necessary information on caring for the child’s teeth.

Final note

The teething stage can be a stressful time for both babies and parents. However, a kid-friendly dentist in Richmond can provide helpful tips to ease the situation. The tips above will help parents keep babies comfortable during the teething process.

Request an appointment here: or call Grand Parkway Pediatric Dental at (832) 579-0960 for an appointment in our Richmond office.

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