5 Important Preventive Dentistry Treatments for Kids

Preventative dentistry treatments for kids are just as important as preventative dentistry treatments for adults. However, plenty of parents make the mistake of assuming their child's teeth are in immaculate condition simply because he or she is young.

In reality, youngsters have oral health issues just like adults. In fact, kids are especially prone to cavities as they love to eat candy, drink juice and enjoy other sugary delights.

Here is a look at some of the most important preventative dentistry treatments for kids.

1. Dental Sealants

Dental sealants are a translucent material similar to plastic that a dentist can spread on teeth with ease. Dental sealants remain on the chewing surfaces of teeth to stop cavities from forming and spreading. The dentist usually applies a dental sealant to molars when the patient has especially deep ridges along the chewing surfaces of his or her teeth. If the ridges are not deep, the sealant will not stay in place.

If the sealant becomes loose and traps plaque, the chance of cavities will be that much higher. A mere two minutes per tooth is all that is necessary for the sealant to harden in place. After hardening, the child consumes food without having the food contact the surface of the teeth. This powerful barrier minimizes the chances of childhood cavities.

2. Fluoride Treatments are Underrated Preventative Dentistry Treatments for Kids

The application of fluoride to teeth increases their strength. Fluoride bolsters enamel, making it that much easier to combat acid and bacteria that cause decay. Strong teeth are that much less likely to endure decay.

3. Teeth Cleanings

Your child's teeth need a cleaning at least two times per year. This cleaning is necessary to eliminate plaque and tartar. It is challenging to remove plaque when flossing and brushing on one's own at home, especially during the early years of life. There is a good chance plaque will stick between your youngster's teeth. Only the pediatric dentist's specialized tools will eliminate this plaque and prevent the formation of cavities.

4. Space Maintainers

Space maintainers are specialized dental appliances comprised of plastic or metal. These maintainers are fully customized to suit the nuances of your child's mouth. Space maintainers are diminutive and perfectly comfortable. Your child will adjust to his or her space maintainer in a few days or less. The space maintainer holds the empty space open after a tooth is lost.

It keeps the remaining teeth perfectly steady to prevent movement until permanent teeth emerge. If you are hesitant to have a pediatric dentist apply a space maintainer, consider the fact that this approach is cheaper and more efficient than attempting to move teeth back to the proper positions with orthodontic treatment.

5. Mouth Guards

Most pediatric dentists recommend kids wear mouth guards. These protective devices can be made in the dental office to suit the distinct shape of your child's mouth. Such guards are worn when playing sports to protect the teeth and gums against physical contact.

Request a dental check-up for your child here: https://www.grandparkwaypediatricdental.com or call Grand Parkway Pediatric Dental at (832) 579-0960 for an appointment in our Richmond dental office.

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