A Kid Friendly Dentist Shares Tips for Teething Babies

Kid Friendly Dentist Richmond, TX

Our kid-friendly dentist wants you to know that the teething process can be a trying time for babies and parents. Babies typically start the teething process around the six-month mark, and the front teeth are typically the first set to erupt.

Teething often leads to infants becoming cranky or fussy as their teeth emerge. Other teething symptoms include drooling, sore gums, fussiness, irritability, and chewing on solid objects.

Our kid-friendly dentist shares teething tips

Parents can do some things to help make the transition easier for their child. First, it is crucial to keep the baby's mouth clean. This means brushing the teeth at least once a day and using a soft toothbrush.

Second, parents should give the child lots of gum massages. This will help ease some of the tension on their gums and alleviate any pain caused by their teeth.

Third, parents should give their child cold items to chew on. This will help numb the area and provide relief from the pain. Fourth, parents should avoid putting anything sweet in their baby's mouth, as this will only aggravate the pain.

Finally, it is essential to be patient and understanding during this time. Teething can be a difficult process, but it is only temporary. With a little help from parents, babies will be through it in no time.

Oral hygiene for baby teeth

You should start washing your baby's teeth as soon as they emerge. This will help get them used to the process and make it easier for you to keep their teeth clean. Use a soft toothbrush and water to clean your baby's teeth gently. You can also use a pea-sized amount of toothpaste.

If your baby is intolerant to having their teeth brushed, try making it into a game. Let them hold the toothbrush and guide your hand while you brush their teeth. You can also try using a song or a book to distract them while you brush.

You should take your little one to a kid-friendly dentist as soon as their first tooth comes in. This will help to acquaint them with the clinic. You should follow that up by taking the child to the dentist every six months for a check-up.

Common myths about teething

There are a lot of myths out there about teething. Here are a few of the most common ones:

1. Teething causes fever: There is no evidence that teething causes fever. If your child is running a fever, it is likely due to something else.

2. Teething causes diarrhea: Again, there is no evidence that teething causes diarrhea. If your child has diarrhea, it is likely due to something else.

3. Teething causes ear infections: Teething does not cause ear infections. Bacteria or viruses usually cause ear infections.

4. Teething causes runny noses: Teething does not cause runny noses. Allergies or viruses usually cause runny noses.

Our pediatric dentist is here to help

Call or visit our Richmond clinic if your child is struggling with teething for more tips and pointers.

Request an appointment here: https://www.grandparkwaypediatricdental.com or call Grand Parkway Pediatric Dental at (832) 579-0960 for an appointment in our Richmond office.

Check out what others are saying about our dental services on Yelp: Kid Friendly Dentist in Richmond, TX.

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