Dentist For Kids

How a Kids Dental Office Can Help You [Kids Dentist Visit]

When choosing a dentist for a child, children often benefit from going to a kids dental office and visiting with a pediatric dentist and staff who are trained to work specifically on the teeth of infants, children and teens. A kid-friendly office with staff members trained in treating children's teeth can make a huge difference when it comes to maintaining a child's oral health.

What is a pediatric dentist?

A pediatric dentist is a type of oral healthcare professional whose practice focuses specifically on children from infancy until adolescence. Like all other types of dentists, a children’s dentist must graduate from a dentistry school before going into practice. However, a pediatric dentist must also take additional coursework to specialize in working with children’s teeth specifically.

How can a kids dental office help?

When it comes to caring for a child’s teeth, there are many ways a kids dental office can help. From going in for biannual dental appointments, dealing with problems such as cavities or providing care in the case of an emergency, a pediatric dentist offers a wide range of services.

Regular dental appointments

Children should start having regular dentist appointments as soon as the first tooth emerges during infancy. It is recommended that children visit the dentist for a routine appointment every six months. During this appointment, the dental hygienist will perform a cleaning, take any necessary X-rays or pictures and possibly administer fluoride treatment. The dentist will then examine the mouth and X-rays for any signs of decay, cavities or other abnormalities.

Addressing problems

If the dentist identifies any issues with a child’s teeth during an exam, there are several procedures that can often be performed at a pediatric office:

  • Filling cavities
  • Applying sealants
  • Installing stainless steel crowns
  • Administering pulp treatment
  • Inserting space maintainers
  • Performing tooth bonding
  • Removing teeth

There are some situations that will require care from an orthodontist or oral surgeon. In these situations, the pediatric dentist can help make an early diagnosis and refer the child to another professional who can help.

Emergency dental services

While every parent hopes their child never has a dental emergency, it is not uncommon for children to need emergency care. Situations that are considered an emergency include a fractured or knocked-out tooth, severe tooth pain or sensitivity and a dental abscess or infection. In these situations, it is essential to get a child to a dentist as soon as possible. Some situations, such as a knocked-out tooth, need to be addressed within the hour. Many pediatric offices offer after-hour and weekend care in the case of an emergency.


Since pediatric dentist are trained specifically on how to care for the teeth of children and adolescents, there is much a kids dental office can do to help with a child’s dental health. It is a good idea for parents to ask plenty of questions during an initial visit to learn what services an office offers.

Request an appointment here: or call Grand Parkway Pediatric Dental at (832) 579-0960 for an appointment in our Richmond office.

Check out what others are saying about our services on Yelp: Read our Yelp reviews.

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Grand Parkway Pediatric Dental

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Grand Parkway Pediatric Dental

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