Important Pediatric Dental Procedures

Pediatric dental procedures are often essential to the oral health of a child. Taking your child in for routine visits is a great way to build good dental habits that can carry into the child’s teenage and adult years. By learning more about common pediatric dental procedures, you can know what to expect when visiting the pediatric dentist.

Types of pediatric dental procedures

Every child is different, and the exact types of treatment they need may vary. However, there are certain pediatric dental procedures that are far more common than others. The following are five routine diagnosis, treatment and preventive procedures the dentist may recommend.

Oral health exam

An oral health exam is perhaps the most common procedure pediatric dentists perform. When a child is young, it is important to assess their oral health and identify any potential complications that might develop. Pediatric dentists often notice issues such as weakened enamel, which allows them to prevent the issue from developing into a more serious matter.

Routine cleaning

Routine cleaning is important for children and adults alike. Most pediatric dentists recommend routine cleaning for children every four to six months. The process is simple and non-invasive, and it simply removes any plaque and tartar that might develop on the surface of teeth, ensuring teeth remain healthy and cavity-free.

Gum disease prevention

Gum disease is a serious issue, and it, unfortunately, is far more prevalent than many realize. By visiting the pediatric dentists regularly, parents can help children prevent gum disease and be treated for any gum complications that exist. Pediatric dentists know exactly what to look for and how to prevent a buildup of bacteria and food particles on the surface of the gums. They may also recommend and educate parents on proper oral health routine etiquette to minimize the risk of gum disease and other oral health complications.

Dental emergencies

The fact is kids are prone to mouth injuries more than adults. From playing on the trampoline to participating in multiple sports throughout the year, a blow to the mouth is simply a risk of being a child. Of course, it is wise to do everything possible to minimize and prevent dental emergencies. However, pediatric dentists are also able to treat dental emergencies, such a tooth that has been knocked loose by a blow to the face.

Cavity treatment

A common mistake many parents make is thinking cavity treatment is not important for primary teeth. However, primary teeth that fall out prematurely can affect the growth and health of permanent teeth, which is why it is important to have a child visit the pediatric dentist regularly for routine cavity prevention and treatment.

Talk to a pediatric dentist today

Your pediatric dentist will offer a variety of pediatric dental procedures and tailor treatment specifically for each child. Feel free to reach out to your pediatric dentist today for information about services and to schedule your first visit. A kid-friendly staff that enjoy working with children daily will assist you.

Request an appointment here: or call Grand Parkway Pediatric Dental at (832) 579-0960 for an appointment in our Richmond office.

Check out what others are saying about our services on Yelp: Read our Yelp reviews.

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Grand Parkway Pediatric Dental

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Grand Parkway Pediatric Dental

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