Kid Friendly Dentist FAQs: Fluoride and Toothpaste

Kid Friendly Dentist Richmond, TX

Our kid-friendly dentist recommends brushing your child's teeth with fluoride toothpaste. Fluoride is a naturally occurring mineral that strengthens teeth enamel. Tooth decay is produced by acids made by oral bacteria demineralizing teeth structures. The first stage of decay can even be reversed with fluoride treatments.

A kid-friendly dentist answers frequently asked questions about fluoride and its role in oral hygiene

Here are answers you might have regarding fluoride and its role in helping to keep your child's teeth healthy:

What is fluoride?

Fluoride is a substance that is found in many foods and water sources. It strengthens teeth by making them more resistant to decay.

How does fluoride work?

When fluoride is ingested, it becomes part of the tooth enamel. This makes the enamel more resistant to acids made by oral bacteria.

Why is it important for kids to use fluoride toothpaste?

The American Academy of Pediatric Dentistry advises that all children aged two years and older use fluoride toothpaste to help prevent cavities.

How much toothpaste should my child use?

Children should use a rice grain-sized amount of toothpaste on their toothbrushes.

What are the side effects of fluoride?

When used as directed, fluoride is safe and effective. The most common side effect is mild dental fluorosis, which appears as white spots on teeth. This is usually only an aesthetic issue and does not affect the function of teeth.

When should I start cleaning my child's mouth with fluoride products?

You can start using fluoride toothpaste on your child's teeth as soon as they appear. Be sure to use a pea-sized amount and help them brush until they can do it themselves.

How often should my child see the dentist?

Your child should see the dentist every six months for a checkup and cleaning. These appointments are used to examine your child's mouth, perform teeth cleanings, and administer fluoride treatments.

What goes on during a fluoride treatment?

Fluoride treatments are quick and easy. A dentist or hygienist will apply a fluoride gel, foam, or varnish to your child's teeth. This helps to bolster the enamel and prevent cavities. The child bites down on the mouth tray for a few minutes, and it can protect their teeth from decay for up to six months.

What else can I do to help my child's oral health?

You can do several things to help your child's oral health. Be sure they brush their teeth twice a day with fluoride toothpaste. In addition, have them floss daily and eat a healthy diet. You should also limit sugary drinks and snacks. Lastly, take them to the dentist for regular checkups and cleanings.

Does water contain fluoride?

Yes, many water sources contain fluoride. Check with your community water supplier to see if your water has fluoride. Most public water in developed countries is fluoridated.

Our pediatric dentist is here to help

If you have any other questions about fluoride or oral hygiene, give us a call or stop by our Richmond clinic to consult with our kid-friendly dentist. We are here to help you keep your child's teeth healthy and strong.

Request an appointment here: or call Grand Parkway Pediatric Dental at (832) 579-0960 for an appointment in our Richmond office.

Check out what others are saying about our dental services on Yelp: Kid Friendly Dentist in Richmond, TX.

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